Welcome to StoneSoup.com's submissions portal. This is where you will find what categories are open for submissions. Most categories are for students 8-18 ,or for educators. 

Some categories are free, others required a small fee. 

We open and close submissions categories based on our needs, so, if there is a category you know was here, but you don't find it today, be patient! That category will return, and new categories will be created. 

We are a small organization. Contest submissions are always processed quickly. Submissions for other categories may not be as fast. Please understand that we are doing our best. Thank you. 

The Featured Student Page is a highly selective program. Once selected, you will be free to post whatever you like. 

To be considered for this program you must submit five pieces for us to evaluate. Finalists will be interviewed through a video call. 

This is open to writers, artists, composers, and musicians. 

There is one requirement for this program: Passion. 

This program is for those of you believe in yourself and for whom your art is your life. 

Good Luck!






Stone Soup wants to help develop best practice in the teaching of creative writing. We are looking for individual teachers with a passion for teaching creative writing. We are also looking for schools with a creative writing focus. The Featured Teacher Page is set up so that you can share work by your students AND so that you can blog about your program.

We are developing a section of the website for videos by teachers that are directed at other teachers -- videos where you directly share your teaching approach, methods, and perhaps writing or art projects. Teachers selected to make videos will be selected from the Featured Educator Page.

Schools may join this program.

Teachers and schools have available to you a wide range of ways in which to classify your students' work. All work is organized by age and by academic year, but you can also organize by categories of your own making, for example, character-development, alliteration, jealousy.

We will review the material you upload, and also ask you to participate in at least one online video.

Thank you for applying. William Rubel, Founder and Director

We are always actively looking for writers to contribute to our blog. Do you have a lot to say about a single topic—sports, fashion, art, writing, books, music, animals, science, theater, travel, crafting, video games? Do you love writing reviews—of books, TV shows, video games, poems? If so, we want to hear from you! 

To be considered please submit a post of between 350-600 words. A blog post can be many different things. It can be a review, a reflection, a story, a how-to, an opinion piece, or an account. It can include pictures, diagrams, videos, maps, comics—you name it! 

Let us know in the cover letter whether you are interested in becoming a regular blogger (contributing anywhere from once a month to once a week) or if you are just interested in submitting once.



Scratch/Little Bits: This is the category for computer-based multimedia projects. This includes Scratch projects, projects created with LittleBits, RaspberryPi or any other computer system or software/hardware combination that you have used creativity. The emphasis here is on creativity. Projects don't have to tell a story, but as story writing is very important to the Stone Soup project, we are definitely interested in narratives that you might be telling through Scratch or some other programming language. 

Video: Your video may be fiction or nonfiction. Both live action and animated videos are accepted for online publication and for the Stone Soup YouTube channel. We don't have a length limit, but if you are new to making films, we suggest you keep your video under five minutes. Videos often require teamwork. Please be sure to list in the credits all the people, including adults, who worked on the video. We only ask that the lead writers and directors be age fourteen or younger. 

Spoken Word: Read a poem or a story. You may send us a sound file or a video. You may read your own work, something you find at the Stone Soup Online website, or anything else that might appeal to you. We are looking for strong presentations. As we are looking for work to publish this means that sound quality is important. A brilliant reading with poor sound will not be accepted. Please test your sound before you make your finished recording. 


For Music

Original music by young composers. We are open to any music style including classical and jazz. 

Please upload the written music, if the music has been written down, and/or has any lyrics, along with the best quality recording you can make. If you can make a video of the performance that should also be uploaded. A link to existing recordings at YouTube, Vimeo, or elsewhere on the internet may be provided in lieu of a fresh video or audio recording just for us. 

Stone Soup